During the process of this week’s study we have learned some things about PPT. As a method of multimedia teaching, PPT has been widely used by teachers, but to improve the efficiency and overall quality of PPT teaching, I think we should follow the following principles.

Coherence Principle: Try to keep the content presented in the PPT are the key of teaching content, don’t put too much text in the PPT, just put the main points in the PPT. Remember that PPT is used to support your presentation, and not as the whole content.

Video for Signaling Principle

Signaling Principle: When we simplify the content of the PPT to a certain extent, we should also make sure that some of the key points in the teaching content should be marked out in a special way, such as bolded or enlarged. Because it is important to know that even among the main points, there will be more important content. For example, exclusive nouns in the middle of a sentence or something like that. This way students will be the first to notice what is the focus when studying.

Modality Principle Video

Modality Principle: When editing PPT text or pictures, be sure to use more concise and easy to understand text or pictures. Don’t use complicated words, because when students see a lot of complicated words, they not only have to spend time to check the meaning of the words, but also have to understand the content of the PPT. This will waste a lot of unnecessary effort.


Oberfoell, A. (2016, December 1). Understanding the role of the modality principle in multimedia learning environments. Wiley Online Library. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jcal.12157

Walsh, K. (2021, April 17). Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning are a Powerful Design Resource. Teaching Principles. https://www.emergingedtech.com/2017/06/mayers-12-principles-of-multimedia-learning-are-a-powerful-design-resource/

Educ5104G, P. I. (2020, April 10). Coherence Principle – E-Learning Essentials 2020. Pressbooks. https://elearning2020.pressbooks.com/chapter/coherence-principle/